technobabble 00000010
≈ more wireless jargon
∞ gMail as extra hard drive
± elliptic curve factorizor
≈ you don't know jack about voip
o ball lightning
ψ sedna
α 300 GFlop desktop
≈ nano solar water-splitter
♣ free downloadable cd-bootable cd-runnable gnu/linux
Þ microprocessor field guide
≈ permeable pavement
♣ o-reilly's techno-mook
√ real audio stream conversion to mp3
± V2G ≅ 20 extra power-plants online
≈ solar engineering for the illiterate
⌈ surveillance cam captures firebombing of home
⌊ webcam foils thieves
§ fiber wars
⌈ iPod as universal remote
⌊ iPod as wireless jukebox
± multifunction DVDs
Δ put a liIon in your tank
≈ urine-hydrated grub
⊃ the founding fathers of cUnix
± frustrated total internal reflection & fingerprint as password