technobabble 00000001
α plasma panel
Θ handheld printer
:: watering the nanograss
↵ keyboard with attached keyboard
Š more T-ray stuff
∴ customized laptop pizza box
Δ early electronic musical instruments
Š spinach solar cells
Ð pc myths
Δ what to do if the internet goes down
α to disable autoRun in windows
Œ presidential ringtones
v hasta la vista comdex
± but should your daughter marry a robotic minesweeping graffiti artist?
» throne stowed in glass outhouse
Δ 4.75/9.4GB or 15/30GB or 25/50GB disks
Ξ stealth wallpaper
Θ beating DRM
± more better fuel cells 2cc methanol = 20 hr MP3
Õ commercial spaceflight a fine piece of invention and makeshift engineering
Ä anti-spyware arsenal . house committee purports to protect against spyware